Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Altorturo Gonzo Revisited

What can you say about a political party when hearings are being held to see if their head guy (as in George W. Bush - the acting president of an entire country) is guilty of breaking the law - and this political party refuses to allow the very first witness (in this case, the head guy’s former attorney as in Altorturo Gonzo) to be sworn in and testify under oath.

Arlen Specter, the committee chairman, was sporting his new post-chemo comb over, (and I’m being unnecessarily unkind here; actually, Senator Specter looked good today, and I was glad to see him looking good) but here’s where your free pass ends, Arlen.

You didn’t see the light on stem cell research until you got sick. It didn’t matter how many children would die and never live to enjoy the long, pampered life you have for illnesses that might be helped thru’ stem cell research. It didn’t matter until you got cancer, and all of a sudden you thought it was going to be you that might die. Ahhh - then suddenly you saw the light of your ensconced, selfish republican ways and you started to support stem cell research.

And I was really hoping this wasn’t just another republican act of brazen self service. I truly hoped you had seen the error of your selfish, republican ways, and had maybe turned over a new leaf. But then we came to today. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, you had the power today to help even more young children by helping to slow down, further expose, and potentially even terminate a criminal administration that thinks nothing of sacrificing these young children’s older brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers in their corporate carnages they proudly call war.

So what do you do? Do you think of the young children? Of course not, just like you didn’t when it came to stem cell research. Chances are you're not gonna’ die if this administration continues to kill more of your fellow American citizens and your fellow global citizens. You're not gonna’ die - at least not from being sent to FIGHT in one of their wars - so why bother swearing in Attorney General Altorturo Gonzo so that he wouldn’t just be lying, but lying under oath.

Be careful, Arlen. Don’t get too attached to that new hair do. Perhaps that disease of yours we both hope is in remission isn’t really in remission at all. Personally? If I were in your shoes, I’d feel a whole lot better if I’d made the right decision today instead of a partisan decision. (Did you like that, Senator? That was the best impression I could come up with of Jerry Falwell.)

So Specter made the decision that Attorney General Gonzo would not be sworn in and then it was put to a vote to see who supported Specter’s decision. Every republican on the committee voted to uphold Specter’s decision to not put Gonzo under oath. And did you see it folks? Many of those republican senators either hung their heads or refused to look up as they cast their 'yes'
votes. What does that tell you folks? It tells you that these people know that no matter how much they proclaim to be the party of morals and family values, in reality they have none. It shows you they know their claim to the party of Christianity is also a sham and a lie. It shows you they know that their case is weak and that George W. Bush broke the law. And it shows me that they are only too well aware that they are every bit the inherent and shameless liars this show tries to point out on a nightly basis. What an abomination.

And did you hear the reason the republicans on the Judiciary Committee did NOT think… Attorney General Altorturo Gonzo should have to testify under oath? Because it was… disrespectful… to ask him too. Excuse me? #1) So now we’re supposed to respect people who are suspected of breaking the law - because they’re republicans? And #2) Tell me one thing Altorturo Gonzo or ANY-body in this squalid Bush administration has done to warrant respect.

Taking just this NSA scandal for example. Warrantless eavesdropping doesn’t warrant respect. Lying to the American people and the entire world in order to garner support for an unnecessary war doesn’t garner respect. Giving obscene tax cuts for the country’s biggest earners doesn’t earn respect. And being a deluded republican who thinks God wants him to govern, and doesn’t mind how many people you kill while you are governing certainly doesn’t get you respect. So why then do republicans think we owe this... respect?

Because they’re the president and his Attorney General? Sure as Hell not legitimately. And even if they were legitimate; have they forgotten how they treated the last legitimately elected president and his attorney general? Where was this obligatory respect then? And herein lies the difference, the disconnect, and the theocratic sense of entitlement Republicans delude themselves into believing they possess. Bill Clinton wasn’t chosen by God - therefore it was the republican’s obligation to God - to ensure that Bill Clinton would not enjoy one peaceful night’s sleep for the entire 8 years he was in - not his house - not the American peoples house -but in their house - the house God himself wants them to inhabit.

And besides, how can anyone possibly have any respect for someone who says something as inherently stupid as this.

Now help me out here. How many Presidents have we had with the last name of Washington? One, right? George Washington? And he was president from 1789 to 1797? Now help me out again here. How much electronic anything was available back in 1797? But Attorney General Altorturo Gonzo just told us that George Washington used electronic surveillance on a far greater scale than has George W. Bush.

#1) What’s wrong with this picture #2) Can there be any doubt why George W. Bush and Gonzo are such close friends? If you took the smartest portions of both their brains and combined them into one brain - you'd still have a festering, lying idiot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder why anyone thinks we ne ed stem cell research and ignore the research that has been done as far back as the 30s and 40s. I'm talking about Photoluminesence. What? Call it ultra violet light therapy for easier pronouncing.
Anyone can find out about this amazing therapy by typing in HEALTH AND WELLNESS FOUNDATION,
OR www.servinghumanity.org.
Please tell me someone who has some standing will find this, as I have had no luck getting attention for this awesome site. The question here is raised, "If you knew of a treatment that could potentially save millions........would you cover it up?" Find out about the dots by going there.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me for butting in again, but I just tried to find the sites I told you about and could not find them with the information I gave. I found them at their former site which is Foundation For Light Therapy. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really hope you will read this. Research is ongoing at this time.

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

took me directly to this sight

4:55 AM  

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